The 3 Step Cancer Solution Workshop: The Most Ignored Root Cause of Cancer

Holistic cancer programs and conventional treatment modalities for cancer, can both err in their approach to cancer by only looking at cancer as a physical disease, without exploring the role of emotions, beliefs and thoughts in the development of cancer.


A 3 Step Cancer Solution Designed To Reprogram Both Your Mind And Your Emotions

With Megan Van Zyl, Ph.D. Hon, MA, NTP

What: A 90 minute virtual workshop, including a guided 30 minute practical exercise to help you ‘redesign’ memories that carry toxic emotions, pain and relational conflict.

When: This pre-recorded workshop is ready for you NOW and available for you to watch 24/7

How Much: This 90 minute workshop is just $110.00

Where: The comfort of your own home / office through whatever device you want to use.

Why: This workshop has been designed to help you understand how your thoughts, beliefs and emotions impact the immune system, stress response system and can play a role in the development of diseases such as cancer.

Learning to effectively address unresolved emotional pain from your past and release toxic emotions, can shift your subconscious mind towards releasing messages of healing to your body that can be involved in the experience of spontaneous remission from cancer.

The Purpose Of This Workshop Is To Guide You To Experience A Profound Internal Transformation

Specifically an approach to effectively release past emotional pain…

Change Your cancer story, by addressing the deeper roots to your diagnosis!

Your body is either exhibiting health or disease based upon all of the inputs in your system.

Your emotions, your thoughts, your beliefs make a biochemical imprint on your body.

The purpose of this workshop is to guide you on how you can experience a profound, and internal transformation…

Because that’s what your body needs.

To align to its innate design for spontaneous remission from disease.

Spontaneous remission from cancer can actually happen within 24-hours of a profound, internal transformation (according to Japanese research).

But in order for this to happen you need a different approach.

Specifically, an approach to releasing past emotional pain…

And one that actually works in the way that your psychology is hard-wired into your body and your mind.

For the good of your health as opposed to the detriment…

You need a way to gain access to the subconscious beliefs and memories that communicate to your cells each and every day. This workshop will show you how to do that.



The 3 Step Cancer Solution Workshop Is For You If…

  • You’re seeking a different way of addressing and then releasing your past emotional pain.
  • You believe that for good OR bad, your body and immune system responds to all input including diet, thoughts, emotions and beliefs.
  • You tried changing your diet and maybe even taken supplements, with no meaningful improvement.
  • You’ve tried intense detoxification protocols and elaborate holistic cancer therapies such as coffee enemas, IV Vitamin C infusions and still have not seen the improvement that you are seeking.
  • You’ve followed the treatment protocol from your oncologist, but the improvement has been minimal, or up and down while you are experiencing many side effects from the treatments.
  • You’ve tried ice baths in an attempt (unsuccessfully) to awaken and kick-start your immune system response.
  • You still have the same symptoms the same disease process and you just don’t know what else to do…
  • You have done everything you can…
  • If you answered ‘yes’ to any or even all of the conditions above, this workshop is most definitely for you.

Your Workshop Host: Megan Van Zyl

“Your body is either exhibiting health or disease based upon all of the inputs in your system”


3 Steps

To RELEASE toxic emotions & REPROGRAM your mind

To RID yourself of negative thoughts.

3 Steps

To REFLECT on experiences from your past that may still be affecting you.

To RECOGNIZE a new way to approach and overcome your diagnosis.

3 Steps

To RESET and RESHAPE your thoughts, beliefs and emotions to propel you forward towards meaningful healing action.

To UNDERSTAND SPONTANEOUS REMISSION from cancer as you will be armed with NEW knowledge and exercises to help you moving forward.

Meet Your Host

Hi I’m Megan…

As part of my role as Founder and CEO of Cancer Peace University (CPU), I created this workshop with you in mind!

One of the primary emotions that you have after receiving a cancer diagnosis is fear..

Which is why the #1 goal and objective of Cancer Peace University, is to help set you free from that fear.

Sitting right alongside that fear can be denial, anger, overwhelm, uncertainty, sorrow & depression.

As an author and through Cancer Peace University’s resources and curriculum, I’ve dedicated my life’s work to bring you something else…

Hope, understanding, direction, clarity and support.

Because while I now work with clinics dedicated to providing real solutions to cancer patients…

I have also experienced the gut-wrenching loss of someone close to me, to this dreaded disease.

It left me feeling SO helpless.

Powerless even.

As somebody I loved, quite literally deteriorated right in front of my very eyes…

Living with regret is not a good thing.

And dare-I-say-it carrying negative emotions and trauma not only drains your internal resources and energy….

It can also pave the way for cancer to take root.

So through Cancer Peace University’s workshop, educational resources and curriculum, we counsel, we educate, we explore, we share, we reveal, we support..

And we heal.

Because everybody’s situation is unique, we have built a strategy that can meet everyone exactly where they are…

Guiding you to explore and go deeper…

Into the real reasons why your body developed cancer.

Allowing you to address your diagnosis with more clarity and optimism than you ever have before…

We are thankful that you were introduced to our foundational workshop: The 3 Step Cancer Solution where you can explore, understand and release toxic cancer emotions, perhaps for the first time.

Join us and give yourself an opportunity to be a curious observer of your internal reality while trusting the process of emotional release in the mind/body connection that can be elusive and easily misunderstood during a cancer diagnosis.

We have been there, done that with hundreds of cancer patients, but we are here for you, to dig into the deeper side and help you find the internal shift that may be missing for you.


Dr. Conners, Conners Clinic,
St. Paul (MN)

We are grateful for the beautiful service Cancer Peace University provides. Megan’s heart for those afflicted with cancer is a bright light amidst an often dark and difficult journey.”


I learned how to tap into painful memories and resolve much of my past trauma (finally!)”

Jenna, Pacific Northwest

I learned so much about the root causes of cancer, gaining clarity as to how to promote longevity and the steps to take to address a cancer diagnosis. The most surprising thing I learned, was the actual relationship between trauma and cancer…” 

Rena Shaab, Oakhurst, NJ

CPU has literally blown my mind! Never have I felt more strongly that we are not helpless in our health outcomes. Genetics is only a fraction of the equation and stress, trauma & toxicity play roles far greater than we have been allowed to believe.The pieces are finally falling into place.”

“It’s time go much deeper into why you developed cancer and make the internal changes that external protocols have not been able to touch related to your disease process…”

Access The 3 Step Cancer Solution NOW!

Cindy (Minnesota)

If you are in the middle of a cancer storm, follow Cancer Peace University’s resources and curriculum, and embrace the gift that has been given to Megan to share through her programs. They truly are a Godsend…”

Address deeper roots to your cancer diagnosis

At Cancer Peace University, we are ready to help identify the various inputs that have derailed your progress towards spontaneous remission from cancer in order to give you solutions on how to look at cancer from a fresh angle, a more hopeful angle and an angle that is largely ignored by both holistic and conventional treatment programs for cancer.

After just 90 minutes, you’ll know how to view cancer emotionally, energetically and spiritually and how to address the deeper root causes of your diagnosis.

The 3 Step Cancer Solution: The Most Ignored Root Cause of Cancer

By the end of The 3 Step Cancer Solution Workshop, you will have:

  • Gained a clearer understanding for the reasons you have developed cancer emotionally and energetically.
  • Be able to apply an actionable emotional release strategy to help get you free from a past trauma (something that years of talk therapy will never do).
  • Know the process it takes to release toxic emotions that are hindering your body’s innate strategy for healing.
  • Be able to build a stronger immune system without elaborate, supplemental and detoxification strategies that have you taking dozens of supplements a day!
  • Experience freedom from the past in a way you never knew was possible!
  • Finally, find strategies of emotional healing that align with the innate design of your body, and the innate design of spontaneous remission.

    What you will have after just 90 minutes with me is understanding, answers and strategies that you can implement right away.

    If this sounds like a workshop you’d like to attend, then click on the button to join now!
If Owen can dig deeper to the emotional roots of his diagnosis, so can you….

First cancer-free test since diagnosis…

Megan’s program brought me all the way to Cancer Free. I had been diagnosed with stage 4 terminal Thymoma. They gave me 2 years to live so I began to explore alternative therapies. I learned a ton about food and diet and my tumors began to shrink but it wasn’t until I took Megan’s program that I received my first cancer free blood marker test after I experienced a profound, internal transformation. Any resources and curriculum from Cancer Peace University is worth every penny and I highly recommend it to ANYONE who is struggling with cancer. 

Owen, recently in NED (no evidence of disease), free to live, be a husband, father and a YouTube educator and trainer.

Ready to release your toxic cancer emotions once and for all?

‘Awareness’ as the saying goes, ‘creates its own momentum.’

Nothing can be more important than you becoming aware of what has contributed towards your current condition…

This is what our workshop is all about…

Bringing the information from your subconscious mind forward to your conscious awareness, where you can process and release unresolved trauma and toxic cancer emotions that you may currently not be aware of….

We don’t want you to miss out on the knowledge that is not only revelatory and life-changing, but may lead you all the way to the deepest root of why you developed cancer emotionally and energetically…


If you’re ready to not only attend to learn information, but if you are also ready to apply the knowledge in a powerful exercise at the end of our workshop that you probably have never experienced before…

We encourage you to open your mind, release your fears and dive into the deeper reasons as to why you developed cancer…the reasons that may be buried deep into your subconscious mind…

And we trust that you will be so thankful that you took the first step toward internal transformation that will affect not only your mind, but also your emotions and even your biology…

At Cancer Peace University, we cannot wait to hear of the shift that starts for you now, as you enter into The 3 Step Cancer Solution…