Root Causes Revealed

JOIN us in the journey of understanding the important question:
Why did I develop cancer?
You’ve been diagnosed. You have been to your meetings with your oncologist. But you are still confused.
Why did I develop cancer?
You asked the question to your oncologist, why did I develop cancer? And he gave you some sort of vague response of it may be genetic, we will test for this or you were unlucky or random replication errors in your cells.
Really? That’s it?
You have a sinking feeling that there is more to the story, but you don’t have the knowledge or expertise to piece together the details of why you developed cancer.
You asked your oncologist, can I eat any specific diet to help my body during treatments?
And he answers, “You can meet with the dietician, but we mainly want you eating high calorie foods so that you can keep your weight up, ice cream and high carbs so that you don’t lose too much weight during treatments.”
WTF? Really? Ice cream.
You thought you would have some answers after your diagnosis, but you are left with more questions than answers.
If this sounds like you, and you’re struggling to find answers, or wade through all the conflicting information and wish you could come up with a game plan to feel more secure- this masterclass is for you!

There are real reasons why you developed cancer. This is not to cast blame or cause you to feel remorseful or guilty about your life, choices and lifestyle. This is meant to empower your choices towards a proactive path of change and transformation both internally and externally!
Walking through a diagnosis in a state of panic, fear, uncertainty, and misunderstanding is not productive or helpful. Living in a state of fear is sabotaging your ability to rest and repair. You need a foundation of understanding so that you can gain insight into why you developed cancer and then ease into a productive path of restoration.
Are you the only one questioning all of the conflicting info out there about cancer? No, you are not alone. Many face cancer in the light of uncertainty and feel ill-equipped to understand the research necessary to find a productive path forward. In Root Causes Revealed, you will find the support of a guiding, confident voice to clarify “What Is Cancer.”

Nobody desires to develop cancer. No one sees cancer as a gift or an opportunity. At least initially. However, some are able to shift towards accepting their path or diagnosis and allowing it to be a catalyst of internal transformation and external change. Walking through Root Causes Revealed, you will understand and connect with your true, authentic self for perhaps the first time. Let us guide you to inner and external transformation through Root Causes Revealed.

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The research is there…
There are real cancer researchers that have made progressive understandings in answering the question, “Why did I develop cancer? Or better said, why do people develop cancer?”
Researchers like Dr. Otto Warburg, who discovered that cancer cells had missing mitochondria or damaged mitochondria.
(FYI, Dr. Otto Warberg went on to receive the Nobel Peace Prize for his research).
There are real researchers with weighty discoveries.
Like Dr. Johanna Budwig, who discovered that cancer was a disease of the blood with major deficiencies associated with the diagnosis that would cause the blood to become sludgy, thick and greenish instead of red.
But who has the time and ability to pour into the cancer research in a meaningful way during a cancer diagnosis?
Everything is so urgent and delicate. What if you miss something, or get side tracked on the wrong research that is not applicable to your case?
Here comes Cancer Peace University, we’ve done the research for you, packaged and streamlined all the research in an easy to follow format of videos that help to unlock the real reasons why you developed cancer not just physically, but emotionally and energetically.
WHAT Cancer Peace University ALUMNI ARE SAYING about Root Causes Revealed

“Meg saved my life! Her wisdom and practical intelligence helped me defeat cancer. Her knowledge of the nutritional needs and therapies for a cancer patient are phenomenal. As a former librarian, I respect and value research. Meg’s research of the root causes of cancer and best cancer fighting protocols is outstanding! She is an expert. Her counsel is heartfelt, and she is very passionate about saving her clients. I wholeheartedly recommend Megan’s curriculum, Root Causes Revealed, to anyone battling cancer. She is a very genuine human being and a true jewel!”

A letter from the creator of Root Causes Revealed…
Hello There!
Throughout the last decade of walking cancer patients through a cancer diagnosis, I am excited to release for the first time my video curriculum, Root Causes Revealed in a DYI fashion!
These are the exact videos that I used to educate my clients diagnosed with cancer during their process of navigating why they developed cancer and what they can do about it.
I will never forget what first inspired me create the educational curriculum for Cancer Peace University and the videos, Root Causes Revealed.
In working with a cancer patient who had been diagnosed with breast cancer, I began spending hours each week educating her on what is cancer and why her body developed cancer.
This particular client had a voracious appetite for knowledge and understanding of why she developed cancer.
I still remember several months into the education process, the phone call that changed it all for this particular client.
I was sharing with her about her liver and how liver congestion and an inability for the body to store and detoxify toxins because of overexposure to toxins had a contributing role in cancer, but especially during a hormone positive breast cancer diagnosis because of the role the liver plays in metabolizing excess hormones.
After I shared the research and invaluable information about cancer and the liver, my client gasped and had a light bulb moment, “Well, if I have cancer because of the inability of my liver to be able to detoxify, why am I using a toxin to primarily treat my cancer?”
This light bulb moment, shifted my clients’ understanding of her diagnosis, opening her up to realize that there were so many things that she could proactively do to support her liver and help her body to detoxify during a cancer diagnosis.
In a flurry of activity, my client began to make major shifts in her lifestyle and approach to her cancer diagnosis.
In that particular moment, I felt what it meant for my client to understand why she developed cancer and realized something significant.
It was one thing for me to be a cancer expert and guide my clients towards a blueprint of support during a diagnosis, but it was a completely different thing altogether for my client with cancer to deeply understand why she developed cancer as it generated an unstoppable force of energy towards the solutions, changes and shifts needed both internally and externally for her body to reset.
I’m so elated and honored to provide the opportunity for cancer patients to transition from confusion, passivity and a sea of unknowns to following a systematic curriculum meant to guide them to become a cancer expert in their own right. This will enable the average cancer patient to be equipped to follow the expert guidance of their oncologists and integrative doctors because of the knowledge that they will bring to the table in critical moments of treatment decisions.
Your may be guided by your integrative or holistic cancer clinic to access this video course, if so, we are thankful and trust that this will be a critical shift in your thinking and perception of why you developed cancer.
We hope that our course, Root Causes Revealed, brings not only the knowledge that empowers, but brings the revelation that transforms your life from the inside out.